Genus Placotrochus

Milne Edwards and Haime, 1848

Placotrochus leavis

Type species: Placotrochus laevis Milne Edwards and Haime, 1848.

Total number of species estimated: 1.

Characteristics: Coral azooxanthellate, solitary, and highly compressed. Asexual reproduction most common, buds forming by transverse division. Coralla small, largest known only 2 cm in greater calicular diameter. Theca smooth and often glisteny (epithecate); thecal edges bear one pair of downward projecting spines near the basal scar. Inner and upper septal edges smooth. Columella a prominent lamella.

Ecology: Unknown.

Range: Indo-West Pacific at depths of 12-289 m.

Additional remarks: This genus is very similar to Truncatoflabellum, but is distinguished by having a lamellar columella.