Hoeksema and Best, 1984
Cantharellus jebbi (3)
Type species: Cantharellus noumeae Hoeksema and Best, 1984
Total number of species estimated: 1
Characteristics: Corals zooxanthellate, monostomatous (with one mouth), round, attached by stalk or encrusting. Maximum diameter 7 cm. Septal teeth and costal spines fine and granular. Corallum wall solid. Colour brown (zooxanthellae).
Ecology: On reef slopes, usually in slightly murky water.
Range: One species known from the Red Sea, one from New Caledonia and one from the Bismarck Sea (Papua New Guinea).
Additional remarks: The species recorded from the Bismarck Sea, C. jebbi Hoeksema, 1993, is encrusting and has been found at Madang and at New Britain (J.E. Maragos, unpublished illustration).
Key references: Hoeksema, 1989, 1993a.