Wells, 1966
F. (V.) scabra (1)
Type species: Fungia (Verrillofungia) repanda Dana, 1846
Total number of species estimated: 4
Characteristics: Corals zooxanthellate, monostomatous (with one mouth), free-living, round or slightly oval. Maximum diameter 24 cm. Septal teeth with zigzag patterns of small granulations. Corallum wall solid or perforate. Costal spines club-shaped and covered by sharp granulations (Hoeksema, 1989). Colour predominantly brown or oker, occasionally with additional purple or violet pigmentation.
Ecology: Common on reef slopes (three species) and sandy reef bases (one species).
Range: Indo- West Pacific.
Additional remarks: Juvenile specimens may all show solid walls and may be difficult to identify in some species.
Key references: Hoeksema, 1989.