Yabe and Sugiyama, 1935
Pseudosiderastrea tayamai (11)
Type species: Pseudosiderastrea tayami Yabe and Sugiyama, 1935
Total number of species estimated: 1.
Characteristics: Corals zooxanthellate; encrusting to massive, usually not larger than 10 cm . Polyps (corallites) circa 5 mm in diameter, densely packed, polygonal, immersed, with columella consisting of 1-4 pinnules and compact septa fused in fan-like patterns (Veron and Pichon, 1976). Colour light to dark brown or green.
Ecology: Common close to fresh-water outlets, such as river mouths, where water maybe turbid, or sub-littoral springs.
Range: Central Indo-Pacific.
Additional remarks: Can easily be confused with Leptastrea spp., which have less distinct columella and septa not arranged in distinct fan-like pattern.
Key references: Veron and Pichon, 1979; Veron, 1986, 2000.