Genus Scytalium

Herklots, 1858

Scytalium cf martensii

Type species: Scytalium sarsii Herklots, 1858

Total number of species estimated: 2

Description: Colonies usually elongate and slender. Bilateral symmetry throughout length of rachis. axis present throughout colony, often quadrangular in cross section. Polyp leaves present, thin and fleshy with the broadest part of each leaf at junction of the rachis. Autozooids tubular. Anthocodiae numerous along margins of polyp leaves, retractile into bulbous or tubular basla portions of polyps, forming spiculiferous calyces. Siphonozooids arranged on rachis between polyp leaves. Sclerites are small oval-shaped plates in the rachis, peduncle, polyp leaves, and basal portions of autozooids. Zoozanthellae not reported.

Habitat: Sandy areas in the vicinity of reefs, and sand flats in deeper water.

Range: Indo-West Pacific (Red Sea and eastern Africa to the malay Archipelago, China, and Japan); 18-100 meters in depth.